Hi, Library friends!
I see cold, delicious lemonade in our future… Recently, we were given a Big Bowl full of LEMONS and until we get the sugar to mix in, we are stuck with a sour, sticky mess. Many have asked, “What are we going to do? When will we reopen”? I promise you, the staff members and I are more than willing to get back to our beloved library.
I never have the time to _______________. Fill in the blank for yourself. What have you been doing during your enforced vacation? How many of you have jigsaw puzzles to work on? Photos to sort and label? Closets to clean? Have you washed your windows and vacuumed the car? Started seeds in the window?
This crisis is giving us time to work on our to-do lists. I actually wrote some letters to people. I handmade a few cards to send to people with birthdays this month (my brother was an April Fools Day baby). I am currently working on some book lists I hope the community will find helpful when we all return to the world. I have taken some on-line training classes that I hope will prove beneficial.
As many of you know, my family is spread around the world. To date everyone is fine. Our neighborhood is also very close-knit and everyone here seems fine, too. We are all clearing our yards of leafy debris, walking our dogs, and seeing dads teach kids to ride bikes. It is not all bad… just take this gift of time and tick something off the list of things you wish you had more time to do. I heard my neighbor practice her violin the other day – I didn’t know she played!
I, and a few staff members, are continuing Library work from home. What are you up to – send us a photo for our Facebook and Instagram quarantine updates. Tag the Library or email them to us.