Meet Libby!

Did you know that we have thousands of ebooks and audiobooks at your disposal? You can borrow them, instantly, for free, using just the device in your hand. The Library offers more than 140,000 in the catalogue, covering 138 different subjects. Many books at the Library can be sent to Kindle if you prefer to read that way – if you have a Kindle, we can streamline the way you send books to your device.

Libby will ask, “Do you have a Library Card?” and which Library is your home Library.

If you have a Library card, enter the number. If you do not, please visit the Library of your choice to get one for free. Search the entire catalog, or visit the popular collections like Fiction, Nonfiction, Romance, Thriller, Literature and Fantasy. Browse through the “Best Books of 2017”, “winter Reads”, “In the Kitchen”, “Just Added”, “Celebrity-Narrated Audio”, “To Hot to Hold” and more!

Click on a title and read a synopsis. You can read a sample, borrow it if it’s available, place a hold on it if it’s not. Once you have the book downloaded you have 2 weeks to read it before it magically disappears – no worries about returning it on time. You can also renew the book if you are not finished in 2 weeks, returns it to the Library if you finish early, and send the book to another device.