Today, I am thinking about leaves on a tree – so beautiful at this time of year. Each one is unique in its own way and serves a purpose that is important to the tree’s operating system. Each leaf works to feed the tree. Leaves clean and cool the air, provide shelter for small animals and birds, and eventually nourish the earth. Every leaf, like each wonderful donation the Library receives, makes the whole system stronger. Whether your gift to the library is volunteer time, books that you’ve read, cookies for a bake sale, or a cash contribution, they are each important in supporting the Library’s “life.”
What do we do with the gifts? This year we built some wonderful shelf units, using a memorial gift from the family of Marie C. Hallgren, and we replaced our leaky roof. Special thanks to the Mount Joy Rotary Club and Lions Club of Mount Joy for their generous gifts to the roof fund. Also special thanks to those who contributed over $7000 to the Library via the “No-Show Auction.” We have great donors!
Would you be surprised to learn that we provide approximately $1,500,000 worth of services each year on a budget of less than $400,000? Though this year throws our averages off, we can share that in 2019:
• More than 190,000 physical books, audio-books and movies circulated for a value of
over $1,000,000.
• More than 11,000 electronic items were borrowed for a value of up to $110,000.
• Hundreds of children and their families participated in literacy and STEM programs
each month. Last year that totaled 17,365 people for an estimated value of $100,000.
• Computer access and assistance for 11,500 visitors for a value of $115,000.
• Adult program attendees topped 2700 for a value of $27,000.
• Plus, more drop-in activities, reference services, and sharing of local resources
including two daily newspapers and friendly assistance. Some of which is “Priceless.”
Be part of our family tree. Your gift is precious and brings value to the whole system. If you have been part of our tree already, thank you for your generous gifts. If you are looking for ways to join in, consider the ExtraGive.
On November 20 from midnight to 11:59 PM, the Lancaster County Community Foundation will host the 2020 Extraordinary Give – the largest one-day, online giving event in the US. This is a fun, easy way to give, and we need your help. Visit the link to the ExtraGive directly here and search for Milanof-Schock Library, or look for the ExtraGive link on our website ( Thank you for being part of our family tree!