Miss Jan Goes to College

Miss Jan was honored to be asked by Assistant Professor Kathryn Caprino, Ph.D. at Etown College to be a guest speaker for her PK-12 New Literacies class on Tuesday, November 16.

Jan’s focus was on Pre-K through 4th grade read-aloud storybooks, how to best present them to children, and which types of books and stories would be appropriate for that age-group. The 12 students were very co-operative in interacting with the stories she read and got a taste of Miss Jan in action as she “performed” a narration of “Grumpy Bird” by Jeremy Tankard and one other picture book.

The students asked her lots of questions, and Professor Caprino reached out to Jan after the class and shared, “My students LOVED you! One student gave a read-aloud after you and said, “I hope I can live up to Miss Jan!”” Anyone who has attended one of Miss Jan’s Story Times at the Library understands.

Jan “had a blast” and looks forward to returning in the Spring to share more of her knowledge and expertise in reading to young children.